12 February 2013

In the Shadow of a Pancake

Boy, time sure flies when you're obsessed with all things française. Saint Valentin is but two days away! But before we get all mushy, let's backtrack.

Did you know that our Groundhog Day is France's La Chandeleur, or eat as many crepes as you can day? Well you do now. We harass hibernating groundhogs, the french eat crepes. I choose to eat crepes over disturbing poor groundhogs any day. My classmate Lisele and I took full advantage by celebrating after class at Le Cafe Crepe. It was très délicieux!

Le Cafe Crepe - Nutella with strawberries

My French Neighbor

Now we can move forward. I've been adding more and more Paris blogs, sites, etc. to my repertoire.  There is simply not enough time to read everything! I'm going to share one now, and I'll save some for later. One of my new favorites is My French Neighbor. Check out their site and "Like" their Facebook page while you're at it.

Okay, one more, Paris Zig Zag. For Valentine's Day, or any day for that matter, check out the ten  most romantic places in Paris.

Museum of Romantic Life

I have a couple more things to share, but I'm going to wait until Valentine's Day. I have des devoirs françaises to finish! 

We never did get mushy.

à bientôt ~

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